Windows 11 Not Detecting USB-C Monitors, Why?

Published by Nyau Wai Hoe - Updated on

There is a common issue where some users have problems trying to get their Windows 11 PC to detect their USB-C monitors. This issue affects a wide range of devices and brands, not just a few one-off cases. Even though the USB-C port is not a very common connection type for monitors, something about Windows 11 is messing up its ability to recognize and work with it.

This issue has already been discussed in many different places like Microsoft’s community pages, HP Support Community, and Reddit (of course). This guide will talk about this issue, why it happens, and what you can do to fix it.

Windows 11 Not Detecting USB-C Monitors

What could be the causes of USB-C monitor detection issues in Windows 11?

The problem of Windows 11 not detecting USB-C monitors could be due to many reasons, like software updates or hardware compatibility issues.

Windows updates and driver problems

First, let’s talk about software updates. Many people have pointed out that the trouble began with the Windows 11 22H2 update. This means some updates might change how your PC connects with USB-C ports and monitors, leading to your system not recognizing your display anymore.

Also see: Second Monitor Not Detected After Upgrading to Windows 11

Windows 11 22H2 update

Hardware incompatible?

Another important factor is hardware compatibility. USB-C is often sold as a universal solution, but the reality is more complex. Not every USB-C port or cable is designed for video output—some are just for charging or data transfer. This is a common problem across different devices and shows that Windows 11 needs to fix some issues with USB-C connections.

Related resource: All Motherboard Slots and Connectors Explained

Some power settings that turn off USB detection

Some people notice that their monitors connect fine at times and then disappear at others. If this happens to you, you should try to check the power management settings in Windows 11. Features like USB selective suspend can make your USB ports turn off to save power, which is good for saving energy but not for keeping your monitor connected.

How to fix the issue and get Windows 11 to detect your USB-C monitor

There are different ways to solve the problem, each with different success rates. Below are some combined troubleshooting steps from real user experiences that might help you fix the detection issues.

Check cable and port compatibility

Make sure both the USB-C cable and port can handle video output. Not all USB-C ports and cables are built for video; some are just for data or charging. If you can, try a different cable or monitor to see if there’s a hardware compatibility problem.

USB-C Charging only cable

Update drivers and Windows

Keep your system, graphics, and USB port drivers up to date. Updating drivers can sometimes fix detection problems. Also, make sure your Windows 11 is up to date because Microsoft often releases updates to fix known issues.

Update USB Type C Driver Windows 11

Disable USB Selective Suspend

This setting turns off USB devices to save power, which could mess with your monitor’s connection. You can turn it off through the Control Panel under Power Options, by changing the plan settings and adjusting the advanced power settings.

USB selective suspend setting Windows 11

Linked issue: Second Monitor Keeps Going to Sleep (Fix)

Disable Fast Startup

Fast Startup is made to cut down on boot time, but it can cause problems with device detection. Turning off Fast Startup through Control Panel > Power Options > Choose what the power buttons do might help solve the issue.

Disable Fast Startup Windows 11

Rollback recent updates

If your problems started after a recent Windows update, think about going back to a previous version. This can be done through Settings > Update & Security > Recovery, where you can choose “Go back to the previous version of Windows 11.” Some users found this step fixed their monitor detection issues.

See also: Display Connection Might Be Limited in Windows 11 (Fix)

Test with HDMI

If you can, try connecting the monitor with an HDMI cable instead of USB-C. If the HDMI connection works, the problem might specifically be with USB-C, helping you narrow down the issue.

Plug monitor HDMI cable

Report through feedback hub

If none of the solutions work, report the issue through the Windows Feedback Hub app. This helps Microsoft see and fix problems in future updates. Be as detailed as possible in your report, including your device model, the specific problem, and any steps you’ve already tried.

Pro tip: How to Tell If It’s Your Monitor or GPU That Is Dying

What else can you try?

If you’ve tried all the usual steps to connect your USB-C monitor to a Windows 11 device and it’s still not working, it might be time to try some less usual solutions. These tips might give you more ideas and possibly help you solve the USB-C monitor detection problems.

Experiment with different display modes

Try out different display modes Windows 11 offers, like duplicate, extend, or single display use. Using the Windows + P shortcut to switch modes might help the system recognize a monitor that it didn’t before.

Useful guide: How to Switch Between Monitors on Windows 11
How to Duplicate Mirror Screen Windows 11

Modify some monitor settings

Check if your monitor’s settings are right for a USB-C connection. You need to pick the correct input source on your monitor. Also, you might need to turn on certain features or modes on the monitor to connect properly through USB-C.

BIOS/UEFI configuration

On many systems, especially laptops, the BIOS/UEFI settings can affect how USB-C ports work. During boot-up, go into the BIOS/UEFI settings to make sure USB-C ports are turned on and nothing is blocking their performance.

Enable or disable USB-C support on BIOS UEFI

Update docking stations and adapters

If you’re using a docking station or an adapter, check that the firmware is up to date. Manufacturers often update their products to improve compatibility and might fix recognition issues.

Test your monitor with another computer

If possible, try your USB-C monitor on another Windows 11 computer. This will help you figure out if the problem is just with your device or if it’s a bigger issue with the operating system.

Nyau Wai Hoe
Nyau Wai Hoe is the Founder and Chief Editor of With a degree in software engineering and over 12 years of experience in the tech support industry, Nyau has established himself as an expert in the field, with a primary focus on the Microsoft Windows operating system. As a tech enthusiast, he loves exploring new technologies and leveraging them to solve real-life problems.

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