Facebook: When this happens, it’s usually because the owner…

Published by Nyau Wai Hoe - Updated on

When you click on a photo, a post, or any kind of media on Facebook, sometimes you will see an error message instead of what you’re looking for: “This content isn’t available at the moment. When this happens, it’s usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people or changed who can see it, or it’s been deleted.”

When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people

And there’s another message you might see: “This content isn’t available right now,” which pops up on your feed or profile.

Why does Facebook say This content isn't available right now

If you’re on Facebook Messenger, you might a different error that says “Attachment Unavailable.”

How to fix This content isn't available at the moment on Facebook

This guide will explain why you get these “content isn’t available” messages on Facebook. We’ll talk about what causes them, if they mean you’ve been blocked, and what you can do about it.

Also see: Facebook Messenger “Attachment Unavailable” Error (Fix)

Why does Facebook say “This content isn’t available right now”?

Sharing of the content is restricted

One big reason for the “When this happens, it’s usually because the owner only shared it…” message is how the person who posted it set their privacy. Facebook lets people choose who sees their posts.

Facebook restricted privacy sharing settings

If someone shares a post just with certain friends or a group, and you’re not in it, you won’t see the post. Even if someone sends you the direct link, it won’t work for you.

Because the owner only shared it with a small group of people or changed who can see it

Changes in visibility

Maybe the post was shared with more people at first, but then the poster changed their mind and made it more private. If you saved the link before, it won’t work now.

Linked issue: Facebook Messenger “Error Loading Media” (Solved)

Content was actually deleted

If the post got deleted or Facebook took it down, you’ll see the “This content isn’t available at the moment” message. It means the post is gone.

Facebook content deleted

Temporary bugs

Sometimes, Facebook itself messes up due to some technical glitch on their end, which would show you the message even though everything’s fine with the post.

Relevant problem: “Facebook Connection Error Try Again” on iPhone or Android

The profile who shared the content was restricted or deactivated

If the person who posted deactivates their account, or Facebook puts some restrictions on it, their stuff might show up as unavailable to you.

Facebook your account has been deactivated

You have been blocked

A personal reason might be that the poster blocked you. If that’s the case, you can’t see their posts, but this message doesn’t always mean you’re blocked. There could be other reasons too.

Useful tip: How to Find Someone By a Picture on Facebook

Does “Content not available” mean I have been blocked?

Many people worry they’ve been blocked when they see the “This content isn’t available right now – When this happens, it’s usually because the owner only shared it…” message. But being blocked is just one possible reason. There are many other reasons you might see this message.

Does Content not available mean I have been blocked on Facebook

Don’t jump to conclusions. There could be other things like the profile being deactivated or tight privacy settings.

Related resource: How to Unignore Someone or a Group Chat on Facebook Messenger

Below is how you can figure out if you’ve been blocked:

  1. Look at mutual friends’ profiles. If you can’t see the person’s comments or likes there, it might mean you’re blocked.
  2. Try finding their profile. If you can’t see it in search but it’s still there, you might be blocked. But, it could also mean they’ve deactivated their profile.
  3. Ask a friend to check. If they can see the profile but you can’t, you’re probably blocked.
  4. Check your Facebook Messenger. If you can’t see your chat with them or send messages, it’s likely you’re blocked.Facebook Messenger

How to fix the “When this happens it’s usually because the owner shared it…” issue

Sometimes, there’s nothing you can do if the content is really gone or restricted. But if you think it’s a mistake, there are some things you can try.

  1. Refresh the page. Sometimes, a quick refresh fixes things.
  2. Check your internet. A bad connection like an unstable WiFi can cause this problem.
  3. Logout and log back in.Logout of Facebook account
  4. If you know the person who posted the content, ask about the post. Maybe they changed the settings or deleted it.
  5. Try a different browser or device.
  6. If it seems like a mistake, let Facebook know by clicking on “Help & Support” then “Report a Problem.”

Related concern: Why Is Facebook So Slow on Chrome and How to Fix It (2023)

Though the tips above might help in some cases, sometimes you just have to accept it if the content’s gone or not meant for you. It’s important to respect the poster’s privacy or decision.

Nyau Wai Hoe
Nyau Wai Hoe is the Founder and Chief Editor of WindowsDigitals.com. With a degree in software engineering and over 12 years of experience in the tech support industry, Nyau has established himself as an expert in the field, with a primary focus on the Microsoft Windows operating system. As a tech enthusiast, he loves exploring new technologies and leveraging them to solve real-life problems.

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