Copyright Policy and Fair Use Guide
If you are interested in quoting or reprinting articles from in whole or in part, please do read our copyright policy:
Reprint Permission
If you are interested in reprinting any of the content from on your web site, weblog or in your publication, please contact me at alvintrading321 [at] gmail [dot] com with your request.
Articles from can be reprinted only after written permission. You may not republish an entire post from without an approval.
For Print media
You must print the full Internet address of the article with your story. Since some web addresses can be long, you may use to shorten the URLs before publication.
Copyright Violation and Misuse
We take plagiarism very seriously.
If we discover a website or blog republishing our website content or RSS feed illegally, we will file a formal DMCA complaint with their advertising partners (like Google AdSense) and the abuse department of their web hosting company.