How to Check Office 365 User License Using PowerShell

Published by Nyau Wai Hoe - Updated on

Microsoft Office 365 is a service you pay for every month or year, and if you’re working in a big company, keeping track of who has what license can be tough. But, there’s a tool called PowerShell that can make this job a lot easier.

In this guide, we’ll show you how to use PowerShell in Windows to check on your Office 365 user licenses.

How to Check Office 365 User License Using PowerShell

What you need first

  1. You need to be the big boss (Global Administrator) for your Office 365, or at least have the permissions to mess with licenses.
  2. Your computer needs PowerShell. Most Windows computers already have it, but if yours doesn’t, go grab it from the Microsoft PowerShell website.
  3. You also need the MSOnline PowerShell module. Open PowerShell as the boss (administrator) and type this in:
    Install-Module MSOnline


    Install Module MSOnlineYou need this to connect to your Office 365 from PowerShell and manage those licenses. Remember to open PowerShell with admin rights when you do this.

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Connecting to Office 365 with PowerShell

First off, open PowerShell with admin rights. Search for “PowerShell” in the start menu, right-click it, and choose “Run as administrator.”

Next, connect to your Office 365 by typing this:


A window will pop up for you to log in with your Office 365 admin user and password. Once you’re logged in, you’re connected to Office 365.

Connect MsolService Office 365 using PowerShell

If you see an error that says “Connect-MsolService is not recognized…”, it means you haven’t installed the MSOnline module yet. Check the steps above to install it and try again.

See this if you’re having a related issue: Work or school account problem keeps popping up Windows 11

Finding out about licenses

See all the license types

It’s good to know what kinds of licenses you have in your Office 365. Use the command below to see all your licenses, how many you have, how many are being used, and how many are left.


Get all license SKUs Office 365 PowerShell

This helps you figure out if you need more licenses or if there are some you’re not using that you can give to new people.

Just show the license types

If you just want a simple list of your licenses, you can get that by showing just their SKU part numbers, which are like their ID tags.


This is a quick way to see what licenses you have.

Getting info on users

See all users

To manage licenses well, you need to know about all your users. This command shows you everyone in your Office 365:

Get-MsolUser –All

You’ll see a big list of users with their names, email addresses, and if they have a license or not.

Check all user licenses Office 365 PowerShell

Find specific things about users

If you’re only interested in certain details about users, like their name, department, if they have a license, and where they’re from, you can pick just those things to see:

Get-MsolUser -All | Select DisplayName, Department, IsLicensed, UsageLocation

Find users by their license status

Sometimes you need to sort users by whether they have a license or not. This can help you find out who needs a license or who has one they don’t need.

See only users with a license

To list users who have a license, use this:

Get-MsolUser -All | Where-Object {$_.IsLicensed -eq $true}

This shows you everyone with a license, which is handy for keeping track of who’s using what.

List only users with license Office 365 PowerShell

Find users without a license

And if you’re looking for users who don’t have a license yet:

Get-MsolUser –UnlicensedUsersOnly -All

This is useful for making sure everyone who needs a license has one.

Get unlicensed users Office 365 PowerShell

Sort users by license type

Maybe you need to see who has a certain type of license, like “EnterprisePremium.” This helps you check if everyone has the right license or keep an eye on specific ones.

Get-MsolUser | Where-Object {($_.licenses).AccountSkuId -match "EnterprisePremium"}

Export user info to a file

Save all users to a CSV file

To save a list of all your users to a file, use this command. It’s great for when you need to look at the data in Excel or share it with others.

Get-MsolUser -All | Out-file C:\allusers.csv

This makes it easy to work with the data in different ways.

Export Office 365 user licenses using PowerShell

Find users by department

See users in a certain department

If you need to look at users in a specific department, replace “DepartmentName” with the actual name of the department you’re interested in.

Get-MsolUser -All | Where-Object {$_.Department -eq "DepartmentName"}

This can help you make sure everyone in a department has the licenses they need.

One last thing

Always keep a regular check on your licenses and user statuses. Things change fast in big organizations – people come and go, and their needs for software change. Doing monthly or even weekly checks can help you avoid unnecessary surprises, like finding out you don’t have enough licenses right when you need them, or realizing you’re paying for licenses nobody is using. A little time spent regularly can save a lot of hassle and money.

Nyau Wai Hoe
Nyau Wai Hoe is the Founder and Chief Editor of With a degree in software engineering and over 12 years of experience in the tech support industry, Nyau has established himself as an expert in the field, with a primary focus on the Microsoft Windows operating system. As a tech enthusiast, he loves exploring new technologies and leveraging them to solve real-life problems.

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